Version X Guides

Multiple Versions
This Script comes with multiple versions
Plug and Play
This Script doesn't require any tweaks to get started
Recommended Values
Fortnite settings:
- Exponential 5/5
Script settings:
- Lazer beam: ON
- Ar vertical: 14
- Soft aim: ON
- Soft strength: 16
- Soft boost: 27
- Hip boost: 29
- Evil size: 40
- Evil time:40
- Aim HAX: ON
- Hax time: 20
- Hax strength: 6
- Target tracker: ON
- Track size: 15
- Track time:10
- Death tracker: ON
- Death size: 60
- Death speed: 60
- Rat detector: ON
- Shape: circle
- Rat radius: 15
- Rat steps: 18
- Silent tracker: ON
- Resolution: 6
- Strength: 6
- Speed: 10
- Deadzone: ON
- Dz size:10
- Vm speed:6