Version X Guides

This script comes with optimal Zen/In game settings to optimise performance
Mod Menu
This Script comes with a customisable Mod Menu
Recommended Values
Script settings:
- SlideJump - ON
(if you want to change the timing between when slide to the jump i left notes in the Slide Jump section on the script on how and where to do that) - AR - V 21 / H -17 (was using the AK but had attachments on it as well)
( Keep in mind that AR values are based off the Weapon your using along with the attachments on them so the Recoil will different for everyone) - Sticky Aim AA - AA Time 50 / AA Size 8
- TD AA - Circle / PA Radius 8 / PA Steps 16
- Head Shot AA - HS Strength 10 / HS Time 350
- VM speed - 1ms
- Bunny Hop - OFF
Game settings:
- Vertical sensitivity = 60
- Horizontal sensitivity = 60
- ADS = 0.49
- Automatic Sprint = ON
- FOV = 110
- DeadZone = 2/2