Version X Guides

Condensed Setup Guide:
- Load both ATK n DEF scripts on your zen
- When you cycle the slots to the script either attackers or defenders. You’ll wanna press Circle or B to assign the slots
- To switch Sides from ATK or Def press (ADS + Options)
- To enter MODS, press ADS + Share to do Anti Recoil, Guns, Mod Values, VM Speed, Layout, Profiles,
- Adjusting Anti Recoil
- If guns shoots up Press Down on your DPAD
- If gun shoots down press Up on your DPAD
- If gun shoots left press right on your DPAD
- If gun shoots right press left on your DPAD
- While is Anti Recoil Press Triangle or Y to adjust your Percentage Adjustment ( find a value that works for you mine is 60 - 99)
- To resync ADS + DOUBLE TAP Jump / Mantle
Full Setup Guide
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setting up your Cronus Zen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you just got your Cronus Zen right out of the box the first thing you're going to want to do is download Zen Studio and the CM Update tool.
Zen Studio :
CM Update Tool :
After you have both downloaded on to your device, Take the short Micro USB or USB C cable and plug it in to your Cronus Zen.
Hold the tiny blue button on the bottom of your Cronus Zen and plug it in to your computer. If done correctly, the OLED screen on
your Cronus Zen will say "BOOTLOADER" with the LEDs flashing red.
Once you put your Cronus Zen into bootloader, open the CM Update Tool and press on the button with your Cronus Zen's Serial number info, etc.
Once you do, Choose to update to the latest firmware and wait for the update to finish.
Once the update is finished, unplug your Cronus Zen from your computer and take the long PROG cable and plug it into the right side
of your Cronus Zen and open up Zen Studio. Once you open Zen Studio your Cronus Zen should automatically connect and you should be able to see
the GPC Library. Make sure to look at the bottom right of this window to check if you're able to see your devices Serial Number, you'll need
this for registering to the Cronus Community.
If your Cronus Zen does not connect to Zen Studio for any reason, refer to the troubleshooting guide linked.
To connect your devices i recommend using the LONG Micro USB cable / USB C cable to connect to your controller.
For XBOX : Plug in the cable to the top of your controller like you normally would. Then take the USB end and plug it into the A1 port
of your Cronus Zen.
> A1 is located on the Left side of your Cronus Zen. The 2 USB ports on the front are A2 and A3 from left to right.
For Playstation : Plug in the cable to the top of your controlelr like you normally would. Then take the USB end and plug it into the A1 port
of your Cronus Zen.
> If you are on PS5 you will need to go into your PS5's Settings > Accessories > General > Advanced Settings > Turn Off Bluetooth.
If you have a DUAL SENSE EDGE controller, you will need to have a regular PS5 controller (Dual Sense) plugged into the A1 port,
and your Dual Sense Edge controller plugged into A2.
> Stock controller models of Dual Sense and Dual Sense Edge will work with Cronus Zen. Controllers such as Razor Wolverine v2, HORI OCTA, and PDP Victrix PROG
are compatible with a Cronus Zen. All scuf controllers and unlicensed controllers will not work.
If everything is connected correctly and you're able to view the "GPC Library" tab, as well as "Programmer" & "MNK Settings".
You'll be able to move on to downloading Veritas as well as other scripts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Downloading and Flashing Scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There are a couple ways to download and flash scripts, One through the GPC Library, and one through file downloads.
GPC Library ~~~
To download a script from the GPC Library you can search for a script by using the bottom left search bar and typing in the game you want a script for.
A majority of scripts can be searched this way, some private scripts cannot be viewed this way.
Once you find a script you find interesting, press the Floppy disc icon on the Script to save it to the COMPILER tab. Once you save a script youll be
automatically moved to the Compiler tab. Once here you should read over the GREEN text at the top of most scripts to learn about the mods it has,
as well as how to use them, open a menu, edit values, etc. Some mods may require you to edit the compiler yourself inorder to change values within the
script. But fear not - as it is very simple.
example :
define Shoot = XB1_RT; -> define Shoot = XB1_A;
int crouchSpam = 20; -> int crouchSpam = 50;
Numbers are in miliseconds when used like this, theyre used to create a delay between button presses to make Macros.
Once youre done reading through a scripts green text, or editing values to your liking - Head over to the Programmer tab at the top of Zen Studio.
When youre here youre able to view GamePacks created by verified Developers of the Cronus Community. You can simply drag and drop these into
one of the 8 slot at the bottom right of your Cronus Zen, and hit the "program" button on the left hand side (White arrow) to flash it to your Zen.
To flash a community SCRIPT, press on the stack of lines on the left hand side. youll see the name of the script you selected on the right, and
can drag and drop it the same way as gamepacks.
Once done you can safely unplug your Zen and plug it back into your console. Pressing the Blue button on the right hand side of your Zen,
will load the scripts you have flashed to it in the order you put them in.
File Downloads ~~~
When downloading a GPC file from a source such as Discord, make sure its not coming from anyone untrusted. Such as lethal Panda, Demonic Values,
Demon Aim, Ghost Scripts, or any other Code Ripper or Script seller. No script is able to give you aimbot, esp, literally ZERO RECOIL, etc.
When you download your file open up Zen Studio and connect it as before with the PROG cable. In the top right of Zen Studio theres a drop
down menu that says "FILE" hover your mouse over this and press "OPEN". Go to where ever you downloaded your GPC Script and select and open it.
This will take you to the Compiler tab once again, Once here you should read over the GREEN text at the top of most scripts to learn about the mods it has,
as well as how to use them, open a menu, edit values, etc. Some mods may require you to edit the compiler yourself inorder to change values within the
script. But fear not - as it is very simple.
example :
define Shoot = XB1_RT; -> define Shoot = XB1_A;
int crouchSpam = 20; -> int crouchSpam = 50;
Numbers are in miliseconds when used like this, theyre used to create a delay between button presses to make Macros.
Once youre done reading through a scripts green text, or editing values to your liking - Head over to the Programmer tab at the top of Zen Studio.
When youre here youre able to view GamePacks created by verified Developers of the Cronus Community. You can simply drag and drop these into
one of the 8 slot at the bottom right of your Cronus Zen, and hit the "program" button on the left hand side (White arrow) to flash it to your Zen.
To flash a community SCRIPT, press on the stack of lines on the left hand side. youll see the name of the script you selected on the right, and
can drag and drop it the same way as gamepacks.
Once done you can safely unplug your Zen and plug it back into your console. Pressing the Blue button on the right hand side of your Zen,
will load the scripts you have flashed to it in the order you put them in.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veritas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Using Veritas isnt as complicated as some people make it out to be. People get frustrated when they dont understand things and make it complicated.
The very first thing youre going to want to do is set up Slot Loading.
to do this, load the script so youre at the operator selection menu. When here press B/Circle on your controller and use your LEFT and RIGHT dpad
to choose the slot number you have the other script in. If you dont remember, plug your Zen back into your computer, goto the programmer tab,
and hover over each script so you see the names.
Do this for both Attackers and defenders.
> "How do i set up Anti Recoil, is there Spread Sheets?"
Spreed sheets containing AR values do exist here int the server, but they may not be too useful. Recoil is different for every account on
Rainbow Six Siege so the best idea is to fine tune it yourself.
> To fine tune your AR, select an operator you want to adjust your Anti Recoil with. Press LT/L2 + View/Share to open up the Mod Adjustment
Menu. Use your left and right dpad to scroll through the menu, and press A/X when you find "Anti Recoil". Once here you can go into a Firing Range
training match, and fine tune your Anti Recoil by pressing:
Down Dpad if your gun goes up
Up Dpad if your gun goes down
Right dpad if your gun goes to the left
Left dpad if your gun goes to the right
Press A/X to save your adjustments.
Please Note weapons like ELA Scorpion cannot be controlled perfectly due to her high amount of horizontal recoil.
Some weapons may not be a perfect dot either. Rainbow Six Siege has - very slight - randomized horizontal recoil, get it as best as you can.
Once youre done fine tuning your AR, Go back to the Anti Recoil menu and Press Y/Triangle to open to the percent adjustment screen.
Percent Adjustment is essentially, the amount of Anti Recoil strength kept when moving your Right Stick or Mouse. The best way to go about this is :
Increase the number by 5, if your aim is going up; decrease. If its going down; increase.
Once you find a number that is comfortable, go up or down by 1.
Once you find you special number, it should be the same as every gun.
- 'Sir Zyx'
If you dont feel like doing this for whatever reason, a good place to put this to is either; 50 on MNK, 80 on controller. And fine tune from there.
> "What are these other mods? How do i use and adjust them?"
To adjust a value of a mod, press A/X when its selected on the OLED Menu. To turn ON a mod, Press up dpad when off. When ON press down dpad to turn OFF.
Rapid Fire : This mod is on by default and is used for secondary pistols, Shotguns, and Dmrs like Dokkaebi and Aruni. The speed of this its preference,
and is not bannable as far as we know.
Rapid Fire 4 all : This mod is off by default, turning this on allows rapid fire for every weapon in the game. The speed of this is preference,
and is not bannable as far as we know.
Perf. Grenade : This mod auto throws your grenade after a set amount of time if youre holding LB/L1.
My recommended value for this is 3,650 at 6 meters away.
Shaiiko Lean : Quick Peaking; Hold LT/L2 and press left and right dpad to quick peak like the King Shaiiko.
The speed of this is adjustable to be faster or slower.
Tbag LOL : Your average crouch spam.
Hold Down Dpad to activate. The Speed is adjustable
Crouch Spam : A Crouch spam for when youre aim down sights and shooting. This mod has a quick toggle combination : LT/L2 + Up dpad Twice.
When turned on, ADS and FIRE to activate, the speed is adjustable.
Lean Spam : Spam lean left and right while shooting.
When turned on, ADS and FIRE to activate, the speed is adjustable.
Auto Lean : Auto lean when youre ADS and move left and right with your left stick. The quick toggle combination for this mod is : LT/L2 + down dpad twice.
To activate, ADS and move left and right.
SkltnKey RF : Rapid fire for Bucks Skeleton key ability.
Must have Abilities on to use this, press RB/R1 to equip bucks skeleton key, and hold your right trigger to rapid fire.
Deadzone : Controller Deadzone when ADS and FIRING.
The recommended value for this is the default value - 12 - if on ZMNK, XIM APEX, XIM MATRIX, GAMESIR, lower this to 7 or 9.
Guns : Primary or Secondary weapon for your operator.
To change this, Press A/X and use Left and Right dpad to select the weapon for your operator, press A/X to save.
VM Speed : How fast your Zen translates inputs and sends it to your console.
Match this to whatever System you're on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cronus Mouse and Keyboard Set up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have muliple ZMNK Profiles to download and use, but ofc you can make your own.
> "How do i import .zmk profiles?"
To import a .zmk profile, first you must download it onto your computer. Once its downloaded go to the "MnK Settings" tab in Zen Studio.
Go to the top right of this tab and go to the top right. There will be a square icon with an arrow going into it. Pressing this will open up
a window with your File Explorer. By default you will not see .zmk files. To change this go to the bottom right of the windows file explorer
and in the drop down menu press the .zmk option, and choose your desired profile.
> "How can i create a config myself?"
The most basic way to set up your own config for siege is goes like this.
Change your ingame sensitivity to :
100 Veritcal
100 Hoizontal
Classic Controller Rotation
Advanced ADS Sensitivity - ON
All of these are preference.
Deadzone :
In Zen Studios Mnk Settings tab :
Hip Settings :
Sensitivity : 100
X/Y Ratio : 1.00
Boost : 1.00
Smoothness : 0
Deadzone Compensation : Your ingame deadzone
Deadzone Shape : Eclipse.
ADS Settings :
Sensitivity : 100
X/Y Ration : 1.00
Boost : 1.00
Smoothness : 0
Deadzone Compensatin : Your ingame deadzone.
Deadzone Shape : Eclipse.
Change your DPI to change your sensitivity, i recommend 1600 if you use a default VM speed, 8000 if you use XBOX X/S Vm speed.
If your mouse feels sluggish, raise your Boost setting in hip and ADS up by +1.00 until it feels good for you.
If you dont want to use 100 - 100 ingame sensitivity, follow this guide.
Change your Sensitivty in Zen Studio to 100 on both hip and ADS. If you have your vertical Sensitivity in game lower than 100.
Raise your X/Y ratio very carefully until it feels fast enough Up and down.
If you have a lower Horizontal sens lower your X/Y Ratio until it feels fast enough Left and Right.
NOTE : When using MnK with a Cronus Zen, Plug your Keyboard into A2, and your mouse into A3.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TroubleShooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "I cant move or use my controller in game, but can use the menu."
Make sure youre using a Supported controller.
Check your cables plugged into the controller.
Check the cable youre using to connect the zen to your console or PC.
Make sure your controller is connect in the A1 port of your Zen.
> "My mouse feels choppy."
Check the guide above.
Make sure your mouses polling rate is 1000hz
Make sure you have a high enough dpi on your mouse.
Make sure your mouse is supported.
> "My keyboard doesnt work with my mouse plugged in, but theyre both supported."
In the MnK tab in zen studio, have your keyboard plugged in A2, and see if it registers as a Keyboard or a mouse.
if it registers as a Mouse, add it to the ignore list and try again.
> "My headset doesnt work with my zen."
There is no fix for this. Its a 50/50 chance that itll work with your cronus zen. If it doesnt work,
take a spare controller and plug it into your console, and plug your headset into that controller.
Mod Menu
Condensed Setup Guide:
- Load both ATK n DEF scripts on your zen
- When you cycle the slots to the script either attackers or defenders. You’ll wanna press Circle or B to assign the slots
- To switch Sides from ATK or Def press (ADS + Options)
- To enter MODS, press ADS + Share to do Anti Recoil, Guns, Mod Values, VM Speed, Layout, Profiles,
- Adjusting Anti Recoil
- If guns shoots up Press Down on your DPAD
- If gun shoots down press Up on your DPAD
- If gun shoots left press right on your DPAD
- If gun shoots right press left on your DPAD
- While is Anti Recoil Press Triangle or Y to adjust your Percentage Adjustment ( find a value that works for you mine is 60 - 99)
- To resync ADS + DOUBLE TAP Jump / Mantle
Full Setup Guide
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setting up your Cronus Zen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you just got your Cronus Zen right out of the box the first thing you're going to want to do is download Zen Studio and the CM Update tool.
Zen Studio :
CM Update Tool :
After you have both downloaded on to your device, Take the short Micro USB or USB C cable and plug it in to your Cronus Zen.
Hold the tiny blue button on the bottom of your Cronus Zen and plug it in to your computer. If done correctly, the OLED screen on
your Cronus Zen will say "BOOTLOADER" with the LEDs flashing red.
Once you put your Cronus Zen into bootloader, open the CM Update Tool and press on the button with your Cronus Zen's Serial number info, etc.
Once you do, Choose to update to the latest firmware and wait for the update to finish.
Once the update is finished, unplug your Cronus Zen from your computer and take the long PROG cable and plug it into the right side
of your Cronus Zen and open up Zen Studio. Once you open Zen Studio your Cronus Zen should automatically connect and you should be able to see
the GPC Library. Make sure to look at the bottom right of this window to check if you're able to see your devices Serial Number, you'll need
this for registering to the Cronus Community.
If your Cronus Zen does not connect to Zen Studio for any reason, refer to the troubleshooting guide linked.
To connect your devices i recommend using the LONG Micro USB cable / USB C cable to connect to your controller.
For XBOX : Plug in the cable to the top of your controller like you normally would. Then take the USB end and plug it into the A1 port
of your Cronus Zen.
> A1 is located on the Left side of your Cronus Zen. The 2 USB ports on the front are A2 and A3 from left to right.
For Playstation : Plug in the cable to the top of your controlelr like you normally would. Then take the USB end and plug it into the A1 port
of your Cronus Zen.
> If you are on PS5 you will need to go into your PS5's Settings > Accessories > General > Advanced Settings > Turn Off Bluetooth.
If you have a DUAL SENSE EDGE controller, you will need to have a regular PS5 controller (Dual Sense) plugged into the A1 port,
and your Dual Sense Edge controller plugged into A2.
> Stock controller models of Dual Sense and Dual Sense Edge will work with Cronus Zen. Controllers such as Razor Wolverine v2, HORI OCTA, and PDP Victrix PROG
are compatible with a Cronus Zen. All scuf controllers and unlicensed controllers will not work.
If everything is connected correctly and you're able to view the "GPC Library" tab, as well as "Programmer" & "MNK Settings".
You'll be able to move on to downloading Veritas as well as other scripts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Downloading and Flashing Scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There are a couple ways to download and flash scripts, One through the GPC Library, and one through file downloads.
GPC Library ~~~
To download a script from the GPC Library you can search for a script by using the bottom left search bar and typing in the game you want a script for.
A majority of scripts can be searched this way, some private scripts cannot be viewed this way.
Once you find a script you find interesting, press the Floppy disc icon on the Script to save it to the COMPILER tab. Once you save a script youll be
automatically moved to the Compiler tab. Once here you should read over the GREEN text at the top of most scripts to learn about the mods it has,
as well as how to use them, open a menu, edit values, etc. Some mods may require you to edit the compiler yourself inorder to change values within the
script. But fear not - as it is very simple.
example :
define Shoot = XB1_RT; -> define Shoot = XB1_A;
int crouchSpam = 20; -> int crouchSpam = 50;
Numbers are in miliseconds when used like this, theyre used to create a delay between button presses to make Macros.
Once youre done reading through a scripts green text, or editing values to your liking - Head over to the Programmer tab at the top of Zen Studio.
When youre here youre able to view GamePacks created by verified Developers of the Cronus Community. You can simply drag and drop these into
one of the 8 slot at the bottom right of your Cronus Zen, and hit the "program" button on the left hand side (White arrow) to flash it to your Zen.
To flash a community SCRIPT, press on the stack of lines on the left hand side. youll see the name of the script you selected on the right, and
can drag and drop it the same way as gamepacks.
Once done you can safely unplug your Zen and plug it back into your console. Pressing the Blue button on the right hand side of your Zen,
will load the scripts you have flashed to it in the order you put them in.
File Downloads ~~~
When downloading a GPC file from a source such as Discord, make sure its not coming from anyone untrusted. Such as lethal Panda, Demonic Values,
Demon Aim, Ghost Scripts, or any other Code Ripper or Script seller. No script is able to give you aimbot, esp, literally ZERO RECOIL, etc.
When you download your file open up Zen Studio and connect it as before with the PROG cable. In the top right of Zen Studio theres a drop
down menu that says "FILE" hover your mouse over this and press "OPEN". Go to where ever you downloaded your GPC Script and select and open it.
This will take you to the Compiler tab once again, Once here you should read over the GREEN text at the top of most scripts to learn about the mods it has,
as well as how to use them, open a menu, edit values, etc. Some mods may require you to edit the compiler yourself inorder to change values within the
script. But fear not - as it is very simple.
example :
define Shoot = XB1_RT; -> define Shoot = XB1_A;
int crouchSpam = 20; -> int crouchSpam = 50;
Numbers are in miliseconds when used like this, theyre used to create a delay between button presses to make Macros.
Once youre done reading through a scripts green text, or editing values to your liking - Head over to the Programmer tab at the top of Zen Studio.
When youre here youre able to view GamePacks created by verified Developers of the Cronus Community. You can simply drag and drop these into
one of the 8 slot at the bottom right of your Cronus Zen, and hit the "program" button on the left hand side (White arrow) to flash it to your Zen.
To flash a community SCRIPT, press on the stack of lines on the left hand side. youll see the name of the script you selected on the right, and
can drag and drop it the same way as gamepacks.
Once done you can safely unplug your Zen and plug it back into your console. Pressing the Blue button on the right hand side of your Zen,
will load the scripts you have flashed to it in the order you put them in.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veritas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Using Veritas isnt as complicated as some people make it out to be. People get frustrated when they dont understand things and make it complicated.
The very first thing youre going to want to do is set up Slot Loading.
to do this, load the script so youre at the operator selection menu. When here press B/Circle on your controller and use your LEFT and RIGHT dpad
to choose the slot number you have the other script in. If you dont remember, plug your Zen back into your computer, goto the programmer tab,
and hover over each script so you see the names.
Do this for both Attackers and defenders.
> "How do i set up Anti Recoil, is there Spread Sheets?"
Spreed sheets containing AR values do exist here int the server, but they may not be too useful. Recoil is different for every account on
Rainbow Six Siege so the best idea is to fine tune it yourself.
> To fine tune your AR, select an operator you want to adjust your Anti Recoil with. Press LT/L2 + View/Share to open up the Mod Adjustment
Menu. Use your left and right dpad to scroll through the menu, and press A/X when you find "Anti Recoil". Once here you can go into a Firing Range
training match, and fine tune your Anti Recoil by pressing:
Down Dpad if your gun goes up
Up Dpad if your gun goes down
Right dpad if your gun goes to the left
Left dpad if your gun goes to the right
Press A/X to save your adjustments.
Please Note weapons like ELA Scorpion cannot be controlled perfectly due to her high amount of horizontal recoil.
Some weapons may not be a perfect dot either. Rainbow Six Siege has - very slight - randomized horizontal recoil, get it as best as you can.
Once youre done fine tuning your AR, Go back to the Anti Recoil menu and Press Y/Triangle to open to the percent adjustment screen.
Percent Adjustment is essentially, the amount of Anti Recoil strength kept when moving your Right Stick or Mouse. The best way to go about this is :
Increase the number by 5, if your aim is going up; decrease. If its going down; increase.
Once you find a number that is comfortable, go up or down by 1.
Once you find you special number, it should be the same as every gun.
- 'Sir Zyx'
If you dont feel like doing this for whatever reason, a good place to put this to is either; 50 on MNK, 80 on controller. And fine tune from there.
> "What are these other mods? How do i use and adjust them?"
To adjust a value of a mod, press A/X when its selected on the OLED Menu. To turn ON a mod, Press up dpad when off. When ON press down dpad to turn OFF.
Rapid Fire : This mod is on by default and is used for secondary pistols, Shotguns, and Dmrs like Dokkaebi and Aruni. The speed of this its preference,
and is not bannable as far as we know.
Rapid Fire 4 all : This mod is off by default, turning this on allows rapid fire for every weapon in the game. The speed of this is preference,
and is not bannable as far as we know.
Perf. Grenade : This mod auto throws your grenade after a set amount of time if youre holding LB/L1.
My recommended value for this is 3,650 at 6 meters away.
Shaiiko Lean : Quick Peaking; Hold LT/L2 and press left and right dpad to quick peak like the King Shaiiko.
The speed of this is adjustable to be faster or slower.
Tbag LOL : Your average crouch spam.
Hold Down Dpad to activate. The Speed is adjustable
Crouch Spam : A Crouch spam for when youre aim down sights and shooting. This mod has a quick toggle combination : LT/L2 + Up dpad Twice.
When turned on, ADS and FIRE to activate, the speed is adjustable.
Lean Spam : Spam lean left and right while shooting.
When turned on, ADS and FIRE to activate, the speed is adjustable.
Auto Lean : Auto lean when youre ADS and move left and right with your left stick. The quick toggle combination for this mod is : LT/L2 + down dpad twice.
To activate, ADS and move left and right.
SkltnKey RF : Rapid fire for Bucks Skeleton key ability.
Must have Abilities on to use this, press RB/R1 to equip bucks skeleton key, and hold your right trigger to rapid fire.
Deadzone : Controller Deadzone when ADS and FIRING.
The recommended value for this is the default value - 12 - if on ZMNK, XIM APEX, XIM MATRIX, GAMESIR, lower this to 7 or 9.
Guns : Primary or Secondary weapon for your operator.
To change this, Press A/X and use Left and Right dpad to select the weapon for your operator, press A/X to save.
VM Speed : How fast your Zen translates inputs and sends it to your console.
Match this to whatever System you're on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cronus Mouse and Keyboard Set up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have muliple ZMNK Profiles to download and use, but ofc you can make your own.
> "How do i import .zmk profiles?"
To import a .zmk profile, first you must download it onto your computer. Once its downloaded go to the "MnK Settings" tab in Zen Studio.
Go to the top right of this tab and go to the top right. There will be a square icon with an arrow going into it. Pressing this will open up
a window with your File Explorer. By default you will not see .zmk files. To change this go to the bottom right of the windows file explorer
and in the drop down menu press the .zmk option, and choose your desired profile.
> "How can i create a config myself?"
The most basic way to set up your own config for siege is goes like this.
Change your ingame sensitivity to :
100 Veritcal
100 Hoizontal
Classic Controller Rotation
Advanced ADS Sensitivity - ON
All of these are preference.
Deadzone :
In Zen Studios Mnk Settings tab :
Hip Settings :
Sensitivity : 100
X/Y Ratio : 1.00
Boost : 1.00
Smoothness : 0
Deadzone Compensation : Your ingame deadzone
Deadzone Shape : Eclipse.
ADS Settings :
Sensitivity : 100
X/Y Ration : 1.00
Boost : 1.00
Smoothness : 0
Deadzone Compensatin : Your ingame deadzone.
Deadzone Shape : Eclipse.
Change your DPI to change your sensitivity, i recommend 1600 if you use a default VM speed, 8000 if you use XBOX X/S Vm speed.
If your mouse feels sluggish, raise your Boost setting in hip and ADS up by +1.00 until it feels good for you.
If you dont want to use 100 - 100 ingame sensitivity, follow this guide.
Change your Sensitivty in Zen Studio to 100 on both hip and ADS. If you have your vertical Sensitivity in game lower than 100.
Raise your X/Y ratio very carefully until it feels fast enough Up and down.
If you have a lower Horizontal sens lower your X/Y Ratio until it feels fast enough Left and Right.
NOTE : When using MnK with a Cronus Zen, Plug your Keyboard into A2, and your mouse into A3.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TroubleShooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "I cant move or use my controller in game, but can use the menu."
Make sure youre using a Supported controller.
Check your cables plugged into the controller.
Check the cable youre using to connect the zen to your console or PC.
Make sure your controller is connect in the A1 port of your Zen.
> "My mouse feels choppy."
Check the guide above.
Make sure your mouses polling rate is 1000hz
Make sure you have a high enough dpi on your mouse.
Make sure your mouse is supported.
> "My keyboard doesnt work with my mouse plugged in, but theyre both supported."
In the MnK tab in zen studio, have your keyboard plugged in A2, and see if it registers as a Keyboard or a mouse.
if it registers as a Mouse, add it to the ignore list and try again.
> "My headset doesnt work with my zen."
There is no fix for this. Its a 50/50 chance that itll work with your cronus zen. If it doesnt work,
take a spare controller and plug it into your console, and plug your headset into that controller.
Recommended Values
- Sledge - L85A2 + P226 MK25(ACOG, Comp, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Thatcher - AR33 + P226 MK25 (ACOG, Comp, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Ash - R4C + 5.7 USG (ACOG, Flash Hider, Horizontal) (Muzzle)
- Thermite - 556XI + 5.7 USG (1.5, Comp, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Twitch - F2 + P9 (ACOG, Long Barrel) (Muzzle)
- Montagne - Le Roc Shield + P9 (Muzzle)
- Glaz - OTs-03 + Bearing 9 (Holo A, Muzzle, Vertical) (Holo A, Flash Hider)
- Fuze - AK-12 + GSH-18 (ACOG, Comp, Angled) (Muzzle, Laser)
- Blitz - G52-Tactical Shield + P12 (Muzzle)
- IQ - G8A1 + P12 (ACOG, Flash, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Buck - C8-SFW + MK1 9mm (ACOG, Flash) (Muzzle)
- Blackbeard - MK17 CQB + D-50 (ACOG, Flash, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Capitao - Para-308 + PRB92 (ACOG, Flash, Angled) (Muzzle)
- Hibana - Type-89 + Bearing 9 (ACOG, Flash, Vertical) (Holo A, Flash)
- Jackal - C7E + USP40 (1.5, Comp, Angled) (Muzzle)
- Ying - T-95 LSW + Q-929 (ACOG, Flash, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Zofia - M762 + RG15 (ACOG, Comp, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Dokkaebi - MK14 EBR + SMG-12 (1.5, Muzzle, Angled) (Holo A, Vertical)
- Lion - V308 + P9 (1.5, Flash, Angled) (Muzzle)
- Finka - 6P41 + PMM (1.5, Flash, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Maverick - AR-15.50 + 1911 Tacops (ACOG, Muzzle, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Nomad - ARX200 + PRB92 (ACOG, Flash, Horizontal) (Muzzle)
- Gridlock - F90 + SDP 9mm (1.5, Flash, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Nokk - FMG-9 + D-50 (1.5, Suppressor) (Muzzle)
- Amaru - G8A1 + SMG-11 (1.5, Flash, Vertical) (Holo A, Flash, Vertical)
- Kali - CSRX 300 + SPSMG9 (N/A) (Holo A, Flash)
- Iana - G36C + MK1 9mm (ACOG, Suppressor, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Ace - Ak-12 + P9 (ACOG, Flash, Angled) (Muzzle)
- Zero - MP7 + 5.7 USG (1.5, Flash) (N/A)
- Flores - AR33 + GSH-18 (ACOG, Flash, Horizontal) (Muzzle)
- OSA - PDW9 + PMM (1.5, Extended, Angled) (Muzzle)
- Sens - POF-9 + SDP 9mm (ACOG, Flash, Horizontal) (Muzzle)
- Grim - 552 Commando + P229 (1.5, Flash, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Brava - Para-308 + USP40 (ACOG, Flash, Angled) (Muzzle)
- Ram - R4C (1.5, Extended, Vertical) (Muzzle)
- Deimos - AK-74M + .44 Vendetta (ACOG, Flash) (N/A)