Version X Guides

Visionary (PC)
Multiple Versions
Plug and Play
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Visionary (PC)

Rudy Aim

rudyaim rudy visionary pc fort fortnite fn

Script details

"This is the brand new Visionary Script for Chapter 6 Season 1, this script in particular is extremely popular throughout our clients who have achieved many placements that have made them there first earnings including many pro players that continue to make earnings on a regular basis with our script, it don't stop there! our script is highly advanced with the newest aim assist technology that allows tracking from any distance on the map as long as the player is in your cross hair the script will track the opponent with ease, this script offers the craziest mods that no other script has including- Instant Reset, Pickup Macro, 0 Delay Mod, Head Mod, Bloom reducer, and even contains the newest aim enhancement feature that is known as ""X-Y"" assist, essentially this script is by far the best you can get for your Cronus Zen at the moment and it's not even close.

We consistently update our Cronus Zen scripts to make sure they are performing perfectly with no flaws. We do this to ensure our scripts are always capable of running the most amount of aim assist every new update and season. This is to maximize the scripts' potential. These updates are completely FREE of charge after purchasing just one of our scripts.

Script Price:
£55.45 / €66.73 / $70



Multiple Versions

This Script comes with multiple versions

Plug and Play

This Script doesn't require any tweaks to get started


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