Plug and Play
With this script you can select and set all the weapons through the menu, for each weapon you can set the vertical recoil,
there is stance tracking, when Activated, it can adjust the reduction of the recoil if you are kneeling or lying down.
You must configure the Recoil Values and Timings for each gun, these values change according to your in-game settings and
are unique to each user.
In the script you can also set the recoil boost for 2x/3x/4x/6x/8x scopes.
Rapid fire can be activated on the weapons that allow it, and then for each profile you can enable T-Bag, Jumpshot, Strafe,
Autolean, Peekshot, Crouch on ADS.
Hold-breath, if activated, works on all profiles; while the Quickscope, if activated, works only if the sniper is selected.
There is Drive and Grenade mode, allowing you to perform these actions without activating other mods by mistake.
There is option to fast toogle multiple mods. Within the script you have to set whether you play using a controller or M&K.
If you play with a controller, you can also connect a keyboard to perform a quick profile reset and use the keypad (NUMPAD)
to equip weapons and sights quickly, the keys assigned to each weapon have been written below (They can also be modified
in the M&K QUICK SELECT section).
* Fast Gun Selection via Keyboard (Default Values):
ACE 32 = Key 1
AK47 = Key 2
M416 = Key 3
SCAR_L = Key 4
K2 = Key 5
UZI = Key 6
AUG = Key 7
G36 = Key 8
QBZ = Key 9
BERYL = Key .
VECTOR = Key *
P90 = Key
MP5K = Key 0
Sniper = Key PAGEUP
Mini 14 = Key CANC
* Fast Scope Selection via Keyboard (Default Values):
Increase Scope Key + (Numpad)
Decrease Scope Key - (Numpad)
Reset Enter (Numpad)
* RESET Key, if assigned in Fast Toggle, resets the Primary and Secondary profiles to Generic Profile with 1x Scope
- Primary Profile: GREEN
- Secondary Profile: RED
- Looting Profile: BLUE
- Auto Lean = Hold XB1_LT and press XB1_UP for more than 300ms
- Rapid Fire = Hold XB1_LT and press XB1_LEFT for more than 300ms
- Strafe = Hold XB1_LT and press XB1_RIGHT for more than 300ms
- Peek Shot = Hold XB1_LT and press XB1_DOWN for more than 300ms
- T-Bag = Hold XB1_B (Crouch Button) and press XB1_DOWN for more than 300ms
- Crouch on ADS = Hold XB1_A (Jump Button) and press XB1_RIGHT for more than 300ms
- Drive Mode = Hold XB1_LT and double tap XB1_RIGHT. Press B to exit vehicle and drive mode simultaneously
- Grenade Mode = Activated with XB1_RIGHT and Deactivation with XB1_Y
Finally, you can enable or disable the Screensaver in the Mod Menu