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NBA 2K25
Auto Rhythm v2
NBA 2K25
Mod Menu
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Auto Rhythm v2


boost squad auto rhythm 2k25 25 2025 v2 2k

Script details

This is an NBA 2k25 Cronus Zen script developed by BoostSquad


Mod Menu

This Script comes with a customizable Mod Menu



  • Rhythm Shooting with A/X
  • Catch and Shoot Auto Timing
  • Anti Detection
  • Auto Quickstop
  • Defense Boost



  • Menu Locked
    • This means the script is still active, just gives you freedom of buttons back. If you find yourself switching pages or options often, lock the menu with L2+Options on any screen. A
  • Page Switching
    • L2+R1 to go to next page. L2+L1 to go to previous page.
  • Rhythm Shooting with â–¡/X (Page 1 & 2)
    • Page 1 has a toggle allowing you to turn this feature on or off.
    • Use the square button and release your jumpshot at the SET POINT. The script will automatically push your right stick for you.
    • Remember, this still requires you to time your shot and will be the most accurate way to shoot if timed well.
    • Rhythm shooting generally takes longer to initially shoot compared to regular shooting, so if it's a tight window shot, use your remapped button.
    • Page 2 allows you to change your tempo timing. This number is different for every jumpshot. You will need to take some practice shots to get the right number down.
    • Shoot at the SET POINT cue for a perfect timing. Your jumpshot release cue does not matter. (This is the difference in Rhythm Shooting vs Normal Shooting).
    • Tempo Timing will be different for every jumpshot. The tempo window with GOOD timed jumpshots is about 120ms.
    • Slightly Slow? 1. You're releasing your shot too late most likely. 2. Decrease your Tempo Timing as a secondary if 1 didn't work.
    • Slightly Fast? 1. You're releasing your shot too early most likely. 2. Increase your Tempo Timing as a secondary if 1 didn't work.
  • Catch and Shoot Auto Timing (Page 3)
    • Please be sure to set your tempo timing AND catch and shoot timing values first before using in game.
    • Go to MyCourt and join a friends server. Turn meter on. Hold UP DPAD + Hold Square to activate.
    • Depending on your shot timing, adjust your jumpshot timing on Page 3. Decrease for Late, Increase for Early.
  • Original Square Remapping (Page 4)
    • Since your â–¡/X is now remapped for Rhythm Shooting (if it's turned on), you have the option to toggle between L1 and R3 for your normal functionality such as reaching/layups/dunks.
  • Stealth Mode Jumpshot (Page 5)
    • Enabling this option varies both your tempo and catch and shoot timing by +/- 3 ms to avoid detection risk.
    • This option ON should not make you miss. It's most likely you timing your shot wrong.
  • Auto Quickstop (Page 6)
    • While moving any direction with your LEFT STICK, hold â–¡/X, and the script will quickstop and begin to shoot. Remember to time your shot.
  • Defense Boost (Page 7)
    • Enabling this option will give you a boost in the direction you're holding your left stick when on defense (L2 held) and pressing or holding R1.
    • If you mismanage your left stick on defense, it will feel like you boosted the wrong direction so be cautious.


  • Page 1: Tempo Timing
    • To adjust, press L2+UP/LT+UP to increase by 1.
    • L2+DOWN/LT+DONW to decrease by 1.
    • L2+RIGHT/LT+RIGHT to increase by 5.
    • L2+LEFT/LT+LEFT to decrease by 5.
  • Page 2: Catch and Shoot Timing
    • To adjust, press L2+UP/LT+UP to increase by 1.
    • L2+DOWN/LT+DONW to decrease by 1.
    • L2+RIGHT/LT+RIGHT to increase by 10.
    • L2+LEFT/LT+LEFT to decrease by 10. 

Recommended Values

Values spreadsheet

Script pdf

Video guide